INFO SOCIAL DIXIT: Newspapers on Twitter
INFO SOCIAL DIXIT: Newspapers on Twitter. American dailys. From New York Time to Arizona Republic. Tabella. Board. ...
INFO SOCIAL DIXIT: Newspapers on Twitter. American dailys. From New York Time to Arizona Republic. Tabella. Board. ...
THE GADHAFI FILE INFOGRAPHIC. By Benjamin Carlson and Carl Franzen (via The Daily). Moamar Qaddafi, Khadafy, Kazzafi. 'Cane Pazzo' Formative Years. Author of Atrocities. Fashion Risks. A Dandy...
GRAZIANO ORIGA PORTRAITS 2010. Framed for Nòva100/Sole24ore. PORTRAITS: John Keines, Karl Marx, Adam Smith, Augustine Cournot, Alfred Marshall, David Ricardo, Irving Fisher, John Stuart...
How We Use Social Media During Emergencies. Via mashable by Jolie O'Dell As a culture, we started becoming more aware of the power of social media during times of crisis, like when the Iran election...
Egypt crisis: Twitter’s role. Infographic of Egypt, Tunisia & Yemen (via @hootsuite). Egypt crisis: Twitter’s role. Infographic. Social Media and Unrest in Egypt. Egypt is on the world’s...
LUNA ROSSA. RED MOON. Total Lunar Eclipse 21 December 2010. eclipseBYnasa twitter.grazianoriga Four partial solar and two total lunar eclipses take place in 2011. This 4:2 combination of solar and...
NòVA TEST 2010, artwork by Graziano Origa, future words collage + foshop, framed for Nòva100, 2009. «Gee, the sun it's coming!» MAKINGtest2010 ...
EVAN WILLIAMS. The Twitter CEO. Potere del social network: connette le persone che dicono in 140 battute cosa fanno in questo momento. Nato in Clarks, Nebraska, sposato con Sara Morishige, che partorisce...
CYXYMU. Georgian blogger Cyxymu blames Russia for cyber attack. Blogger claims attack on Twitter, Facebook and LiveJournal was part of plot to silence his criticism of the Kremlin.CYXYMU, portrait by Graziano...
Bing apre a Twitter. Il nuovo motore di ricerca di Microsoft propone i microblogging di un ristretto numero di utenti di TWT. Un Bing che si vuole pensare e progettare verso l'attualità (giornalismo)...
FACEBOOK. Looking for faces and your idea of a face. «Volevo essere da Facebook, ma poi ho visto che Wired è in sauna da Twitter» (go) IMAGE CREDITS:Facebook, art by Origa, b/w, pen&ink drawing,...