EVAN WILLIAMS. The Twitter CEO. Potere del social network: connette le persone che dicono in 140 battute cosa fanno in questo momento. Nato in Clarks, Nebraska, sposato con Sara Morishige, che partorisce in diretta su Twitter: “Yes! Sara gave birth to a perfect baby boy. Both are well. 8 pounds, 21 inches! Smiles all around!” Williams left Google in October 2004 to co-found Odeo, a podcasting company. In late 2006, Williams co-founded Obvious with Biz Stone, then Twitter, che ora vale 1 miliardo di dollari. Vive in San Francisco Bay. What a guy! Gee! Salva!
EVAN WILLIAMS, portrait by
Graziano Origa, pen&ink + ecoline + letraset + blowout retino + pantone + kodak cornice, paper 20X30, printer on canvas 40×60, framed for Nòva100, 2009.
«What effect is blogging having on traditional journalism? Would it ever replace or dilute the value of traditional journalism? It's certainly having an impact. From a blog reader's perspective, it certainly affects where I go and where I get and read my news. It is a more complex ecosystem now, so for the most part, I think they're complementary; blogs tend to be more about filtering and adding commentary and perspective–but there is some original reporting that's going on there. And the journalists who take advantage of blogs, I think, can do a better job of reporting on their areas» (EW)