Google china


China attacks Google's.

China's state media today accused Google of pushing a political agenda by "groundlessly accusing the Chinese government" of supporting hacker attacks and by trying to export its own culture, values and ideas. In a commentary signed by three Xinhua writers, the state news agency also sought to defend the government's Internet censorship, which Google has cited as one reason the world's largest search engine may quit China. (via irishtimes)


Google chiude i battenti in Cina.

 Che i rapporti tra governo cinese e Google, da diversi mesi, fossero tesissimi era risaputo: il colosso informatico, infatti, aveva denunciato la continua violazione della privacy di diversi propri clienti, sui quali il governo di Pechino applicava una severa censura per filtrarne la posta ed individuare eventuali dissidenti cinesi. (via Emanuele Rizzo)

China Slowing Access to Gmail.

Google on Monday accused the Chinese government of deliberately slowing access to its e-mail service in the country, saying the government "carefully designed" a blockage to Gmail. Posted by Niraj Chokshi (via nationaljournal)

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